Newspaper cutting from the Farming News 1970.
The big shed at Achadunan, which winters 700 ewes.
Roddy MacDiarmid’s wage slip 1972
Roddy MacDiarmid’s wage slip 1977
Annual draft sale at Achadunan, plus dispersal sale of Ardno stock, 1977. This was when the Ardno hirsels were planted with commercial forestry.
Annual draft sale at Achadunan 1977, plus dispersal sale of Ardno stock.
Shepherds at Butterbridge 1975.
This photograph is coypright
Shepherds at Butterbridge 1975.
Donald MacPherson, Archie MacCallum, Callum MacDonald, Donald Beaton, Kit Reid, Jim Wilson, Ernie MacPherson, Malcolm MacDonald and Jimmy Waddle.
"Improvers" at Achadunan 1975.
Jimmy Waddle and Donald MacPherson
Spearman’s Transport
Transportation of sheep 1970.
Cooper MacDougal and Robertson Ltd - dip and dose medication, 1971.
Cooper MacDougal and Robertson Ltd - fly dip, 1971.
Overtime at hay, clipping and gathering, Clachan 1971, 54p per hour.
Wool Growers Goods - Braxy vaccine 1971
Valuation of stock Clachan farm 1972
Duncan Munro and Sons, haulage contractors 1972.
Transportation of sheep and cattle.
Cooper MacDougal and Robertson Ltd - dip and dose medication, 1972.
Fluke drench
Wool Growers Goods 1973
Machine shearing heads
Donald Beaton and Unknown, Butterbridge 1970s
Donald and Kate Beaton and unknown, Butterbridge 1970s
Lambing time at Butterbridge 1970s