Shepherding in 1920
Sheep came back onto the hills in Ardkinglas
Restalking on Clachan, Mark Park hirsel and Achadunan farm.
Average wool price - the price from wool jumped dramatically from 1923/24 to 1925/26 and then dropped again in 1927/28.
Sheep were valued at 50shillings for a top ewe to 20shillings for a ewe lamb.
From Particulars of Estate and Farm Employees 1928.
The average wage for a shepherd was.....
Duncan MacCallum received £93/12s per annum, paid quarterly in 1928.
Robert Johnstone received £78 per annum, paid quarterly in 1928.
Murdoch McDonald received £93/12s per annum, paid quarterly in 1928.
Ardkinglas Estate 1923-1924 Wool prices, page 1.
Ardkinglas Estate 1923-1924 Wool prices, page 2.
Ardkinglas Estate 1924-1925 Wool prices, page 1.
Ardkinglas Estate 1924-1925 Wool prices, page 2.